Setting up basic security for prevention going over the basics of how to harden WordPress.
- Website Hosting not all are creating equal
- Why listening to their sales person is a bad idea
- True cost of being cheap on hosting
- Updates
- Backing Up before you update
- Why you should be up to date
- Permissions
- Controls Why and Who should access
- Defining controls beyond default roles
- Passwords why your favorite passwords are bad and the time it takes to hack them (This may shock you)
- Securing Site
- File Permissions
- Changing Defaults
- How to change the admin password they say you can’t change
- Monitoring Tools
- What tools exist
- Where you can get more info
- Typical Hacks and what to look for.
- Easy but scary
- Getting better but easy to spot if you see it
- Hard to determine but how to catch them anyways.