Bridget Wessel

Bridget Wessel

Bridget Wessel has been a web developer for 14 years, specializing in WordPress development since 2011. She started Unbox Interactive in late 2011 and has built over 50 WordPress websites for both local and national clients.

Bridget picked this topic because she has themed five WooCommerce sites to date, and she’s learned a lot about WooCommerce in the process. Each site is updated frequently, which has taught her how important it is to use actions and filters instead of overwriting templates whenever feasible.


Published by

Nile Flores

42. Female. Greater St. Louis metro East. WordPress addict. Web and Graphic Designer, Blogger, and Mother. I love to talk WordPress. I love supporting Open Source communities. I love helping people. Oh, and I have a guilty pleasure of reading manga and watching anime. :)

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