Steve Heuser

Steve Heuser

Steve Heuser has a small design shop in Greenville, WI called Brook Web Works. He has about 50 clients with about 70 websites. He’s been building websites since 1996 using different tools like Fusion and Dreamweaver. About 4 years ago, he started using WordPress and hasn’t looked back. Steve’s been going to WordCamps for the last 3 years. He’s also been working full time as a web designer for 8 years.

Steve’s been leading the Appleton WordPress MeetUp for the last year.

In his free time, he loves to fly fish.


Published by

Nile Flores

42. Female. Greater St. Louis metro East. WordPress addict. Web and Graphic Designer, Blogger, and Mother. I love to talk WordPress. I love supporting Open Source communities. I love helping people. Oh, and I have a guilty pleasure of reading manga and watching anime. :)

WordCamp Milwaukee 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!