Photo by William Rieselbach, local Milwaukee Photographer (and friend). His turned out better than mine.
Let’s face it. WordCamps are great, but many times, it’s about the after party. Two years ago, we had a REALLY awesome speaker/sponsor dinner held at Jackson’s Blue Ribbon Pub in the old Pabst Brewery, located in Downtown Milwaukee. Personally, I think it was one of my favorites. This year, we figured, why should we only limit it to speakers and sponsors? We decided to make it the venue for the after party. We know you’re going to love it!
Here’s the info:
When: 6:30 PM, Saturday, September 17
Where: Jackson’s Blue Ribbon Pub, 1203 N 10th St, Milwaukee, WI
Phone: 414-276-7271
Website: http://jacksonsbrp.com/
It’s going to be great! Can’t wait to unwind at the end of a hard day of learning and relax for a couple of hours. There will be drink tickets (with more available for purchase, of course), and appetizers. There is both street parking and a parking structure across from the pub (where the featured photo was taken).